
Last one out please turn off the lights: is it time to get serious about employee engagement?

02 April 2014

According to LinkedIn Talent Solutions, 85% of us would consider a new opportunity if it came along .  With the average retention rates in the UK approx. 11%, it would seem scare-mongering to suggest that all 85% of us are going to up sticks and move jobs in the near future.  However, it does prove that people are now more open to considering a new opportunity than they have been since the recession began.

‘85% of us considering a new opportunity’ is obviously great for recruiters – and for LinkedIn!  But what about the organisations that are bearing the brunt of a rejuvenated job market?  I have little or no sympathy.  Engaging employees is no longer a fire-fighting activity to stem the outgoing tide of talent.  It has proven value in driving business performance and success.

But still some organisations don’t take it seriously.  For example, talking to one leading engineering company recently, they have no-one with specific responsibility for the engagement strategy.  Now, you might say, isn’t engagement everyone’s responsibility?  Yes, it is.  But not everyone knows how to go about it.

So what can organisations do?

  1. Inform – be open and transparent about what you want to achieve – and the how and when.
  2. Inspire – celebrate success and share the stories that make the business what it is.
  3. Involve – encourage contributions from all across the organisation, from sharing insights to collaborating on new projects or innovations.

Remember, it’s not about trying to stop people leaving.  Counter measures only tend to put the problem off until another day.  Engagement should be focused on the people who would love to be part of a vibrant, successful business – your business.

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