The ’10 and 2′ rule for Travelex

08 July 2024
Special thanks to Kate Cawood, Head of Communications at Travelex, for sharing a few secrets for good internal communication. We all know how it feels. Someone slides over to your desk (pre-Covid) or into your inbox (post-Covid), and says can you send out this comms asap – no matter what time of the day or […]
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The real cost for students in the cost of living crisis

27 April 2023
‘Cozzie livs’ – a classically sardonic Gen Z moniker – is not going away, and the name is the only amusing thing about this crisis which is posing a genuine threat to Gen Z’s mental health, wellbeing, and higher education. APPG’s Students Report Cost of Living Inquiry Multiple studies have been released in the last […]

“Deep empathy” to drive real change around dyslexia in the workplace

12 April 2023
£50,000 is a lot of money to lose… but that was the fate of M&S after they dismissed dyslexic employee Rita Jandu for ‘rushing’ and making ‘mistakes’. In fact, management had failed to recognise that Rita was communicating in a style that worked for her and her neurodivergence. M&S not only suffered a financial blow […]

Social mobility in early careers

30 March 2023
Diversity, equality and inclusion is the No.1 challenge faced by employers when recruiting, and research shows that gender and ethnicity remain the focus area for most organisations. Social mobility on the other hand, does not receive the same attention. As we navigate the cost of living crisis, we mustn’t neglect this aspect of DE&I which […]

The Apprenticeship Levy and Social mobility

22 March 2019
The number of people starting apprenticeships in 2017/18 has decreased since 2016/17. Could this be because people see them as less valuable? There is a high level of general support for apprenticeships, with 95% of parents believing that more young people doing apprenticeships straight out of school is a good thing for the UK. Despite […]

Social mobility: are employers doing enough?

26 September 2017
26th September 2017, 8 in the morning, the sun is shining, and we’re in the City of London hosting another 106 Breakfast Series event, this time on Social Mobility and Early Talent.  We were lucky enough to be joined by a couple of great speakers – Rachael Millar from the Social Mobility Commission, who talked […]
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