
Ethics and Engagement: simples…

27 September 2016

Why are ethics so important to organisations?

We are bound by laws.

It’s the right thing to do.

It also makes business sense.

As one leader in Ethics recently stated.

‘Ethics attracts talent.

Talent drives capability.

Capability wins clients.’


Or is it?

The reality is very different for most organisations.

Wells Fargo talk about how well they engage their employees, especially around their vision and values.

One of their values is ‘ethics’, yet someone forgot to make that mean something to 5.3k colleagues – despite the ethics training that took place!

The reality is that being ethical is not black and white.

It cannot be simply gleaned from a Code of Conduct booklet.

Or even a Wells Fargo training course.

It requires investigation and understanding.

It needs to be put at the heart of an organisation.

And it should never be just a word.

It needs to have real meaning to leaders, colleagues and customers.

That way, ethics can really drive profitability.

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